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Nursing leadership matters so much.

Nurses leave their jobs, not due to the job being challenging, but because of their feelings that their bosses don’t support them.

Have you ever had a poor leader try to manage you?

These “so-called leaders” don’t get you, they lack insight, they make poor decisions without first gathering all pertinent information…the list just goes on and on! Phew!

I challenge you to be an amazing leader starting NOW!

You don’t need an official title to be a leader.

True leaders have special traits. Here are just a few!

  • Wisdom
    • True leaders have the experience to know they don’t have all the answers. They seek beyond what they currently understand. They continually develop themselves.
  • Clarity
    • True leaders seek “True North” even though sometimes they may feel they’ve lost their compass.
  • Humility
    • True leaders know they never know it all. They seek wise counsel from their team, including those they serve.
  • Caring
    • True leaders care for their team. They understand human-hood and the unique challenges life throws our way.
  • Compassion
    • True leaders exhibit compassion to those they serve – including internal and external customers – not just their “higher-ups”.
  • Empathy
    • True leaders realize they cannot possibly understand how others feel in every situation; yet, they seek to understand.
  • Humor
    • True leaders can laugh not only at themselves, but offer their team the gift of laughter upon regular intervals.
  • Insight
    • Found within the vein of wisdom, true leaders have insight into what makes their team “tick”. They know what to do to help uplift their team, how to encourage them, as well as how to offer tough love.
  • Creativity
    • True leaders have a talent of creativity. They realize one size simply does not fit all.

These are just a few traits true leaders have.

May you grow to be the leader you wish you had.

May you also get to the point in your nursing career where you get to choose your leader.

Remember, you’re never stuck in nursing. You always have options!

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